
Kore Ledger Contracts.


A contract in Kore Ledger is the rules, agreements and actions derived from those agreements that are executed on each event request in the life cycle of a subject. Just as a subject always has an associated schema, which defines the set of properties of its state, such a schema always has an associated contract. Changes in its life cycle occur exclusively through the execution of this contract.


Future work

In its definition, we limit ourselves exclusively to the term “contract”, as opposed to the denomination used in blockchain technologies of “smart contract”, in order to provide greater precision on its intentionality. So-called “smart contracts” are not smart contracts and are just programs that are executed under certain pre-set conditions. In our case, the goal is to offer a contract structure based on a formal language fundamentally inspired by the proposed FCL (Formal Contract Language) 1.


  1. FCL - Farmer, W.M., Hu, Q. (2018). In: Rubin, S., Bouabana-Tebibel, T. (eds) Quality software through reuse and integration. FMI IRI 2016 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 561. springer, Cham. ↩︎

Last modified: April 30, 2024